Our chief scientists

Professor Giovanni Camici, PhD Director of the Center for Molecular Cardiology at the University of Zurich

Hanns Erle, PhD Organic Chemistry, Goethe University; extensive experience in pharmaceuticals and bio-tech
A revolution in skincare
World leaders in skin health
Healthy skin is radiant skin
Intuisse is the brainchild of a team of Swiss molecular scientists and organic chemists. Although the benefits of NAD+ for skin health are well documented, its structure is unstable and scientifically proven penetration to the lower levels of the dermis has remained elusive - until now.
Using breakthrough technology and cutting-edge science, the Intuisse team has developed a revolutionary liposomal formulation that addresses both stability and penetration (global patent pending).
As a science-led skin-health company, we rigorously test our formulations for efficacy and results. Our studies prove that Intuisse liposomal Active NAD+ permeates right down to the lower levels of the skin to supplement the body’s own natural NAD+ levels and delay cell ageing.